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When they say they "voted to fully fund schools..."

Writer's picture: Stand Up Blue ValleyStand Up Blue Valley

Kellie Warren, Carl Turner, Chris Croft, and Sean Tarwater love to say they voted to “fully fund our public schools.”

Here’s what they don’t say: The KANSAS SUPREME COURT ORDERED THEM TO. The court ordered the legislature to do its constitutional duty to fully fund schools. Anti-public education legislators were ultimately FORCED to accept the court’s decision, even though they fought Gov. Kelly every step of the way on school funding. And now, they want to claim “fully funding” schools during election season. That’s not the whole story.

How about the times Warren, Turner, Croft, and Tarwater also voted FOR unsustainable Brownback-style tax cuts for businesses, which would ultimately tank the state budget, school funding, and public services along with it?

All four legislators have voted FOR voucher-style programs that would take tax money away from public schools and hand it over to private, often religious, selective, and unaccountable schools. They like to call it “School Choice” but remember, it’s the SCHOOL that has the choice. In several instances, these legislators only agreed to vote for court-mandated school funding if it was coupled with voucher schemes!

And don’t forget about Croft’s recent promise of ZERO income taxes on corporations - again with the inevitable result of revenue shortages which will negatively impact school funding.

Read on our website Blog about Warren, Turner, Croft, and Tarwater’s votes AGAINST funding BV Schools, FOR voucher programs that lack any transparency or oversight, FOR tax cuts NOT targeted to most BV taxpayers but to their ultra-wealthy backers, and other votes AGAINST our kids’ schools.

Do these legislators get to claim credit for their vote if the COURT ordered it???

A gavel with the explanation that fully funding schools was ordered by the Court.

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