Voucher schemes threaten funding for school-sponsored sports and activities. BV-area legislators Kellie Warren, Carl Turner, Chris Croft, and Sean Tarwater HAVE ALREADY VOTED FOR a variety of voucher-type schemes, along with CUTS to public school funding, while in office.
Vouchers, and similar schemes, divert public funds away from our neighborhood public schools and send those funds to private, exclusive schools, religious schools, UNaccredited home-schools, and even FOR PROFIT schools. Diverted funds go into a black hole - with NO taxpayer oversight of how dollars are used, or how students perform as a result of this funding, or even if the money went toward educating kids at all! Read here: https://www.standupbluevalley.org/.../categ.../school-choice
Help us elect candidates who’ll actually VOTE FOR our BV kids and community. In these critical races, we’ve endorsed:
Karen Thurlow - KS Senate 11
Dr. Ace Allen - KS House 28
Pam Shernuk - KS House 8
Dr. David Benson - KS House 27
We’ve also endorsed Jason Anderson for KS Senate 35, which is a newly-drawn senate district this year. Anderson’s opponent is on-record as supporting vouchers.
Go to www.standupbluevalley.org to see our Voting Guide. Every candidate we’ve endorsed has either voted AGAINST vouchers in KsLeg, or is on-record as opposing them.
Our Facebook page and Blog document Warren, Turner, Croft, and Tarwater’s votes DIRECTLY AGAINST BLUE VALLEY STUDENTS including votes for voucher-type legislation: www.standupbluevalley.org/blog. All the postcards, texts, and campaign ads in the world cannot cover up these bad votes.
Even if you don’t have students in Blue Valley Schools, your home value and our local economy benefit tremendously from having a high-performing district in our midst, with the sense of community that school sports and activities can bring. As our neighborhood schools go, so goes Blue Valley.
VOTE EARLY, starting Sat. Oct. 19 at BV Hilltop Campus. See our list of SUBV Endorsed Candidates, along with Advance Voting info at www.standupbluevalley.org