Voting for BV School Board candidates starts Oct. 28. We’ve endorsed the nonpartisan A+ Team: Patrick Hurley, Jodie Dietz, Jan Kessinger, and Clay Norkey.
Alarmingly, a different slate of candidates - backed by Moms For Liberty - is also running. They’ve also boasted about meeting with Americans For Prosperity. See our recent posts about MFL’s disruptive actions and how school boards across the country have been wrecked by MFL takeovers. In fact, Moms For Liberty is *so extreme* that the local chapter has advocated for the removal of VOTING MACHINES here in Johnson County.
Blue Valley doesn't need a school board focused on culture wars or conspiracy theories instead of students. We certainly don’t need more BOE members making national news for their antics and bigoted behavior. Give Moms For “Liberty” activists 4 years and our outstanding administration and teachers will be gone. AP classes will be gutted. There won’t be a reason for families to move to Blue Valley for the schools anymore, so property values will plummet. As our schools go, so goes our community.
It’s not an overstatement to say that this election *will determine the future* of our kids’ Blue Valley Schools, along with our property values and local economy. The same is true in neighboring Olathe and in communities across Kansas and America. Moms For “Liberty” and its dark-money allies including Americans For Prosperity are targeting school board races, especially in high-performing districts, on a mission to gut from within.
It has never been more important to Get Out The Vote among parents and patrons who do NOT want an extremist organization at the helm of our Blue Valley neighborhood schools.
The A+ Team of Hurley, Dietz, Kessinger, and Norkey are qualified, proven leaders who will move our district forward to meet the needs of students in a 21st Century learning environment. They’ve served our community for years - decades - without any “agenda” other than what’s best for kids, families, teachers, neighborhoods, and Johnson County. Three are incumbent Blue Valley School Board members, and the fourth has been highly involved on the school level, with Board advisory committees, the BV Father’s Club, and as a BV Rec Commission member for years. ALL have proudly sent their kids to Blue Valley Schools.
They’ve shown our community who they are and why they care.
The A+ Team has the demonstrated experience and ability to address the REAL concerns of district families and the REAL issues facing our district in light of a state legislature that’s openly hostile to public education. They're focused on continued academic excellence and improvement; retention of great teachers and administrators; better staffing of our schools; and preserving Blue Valley’s educational enrichment opportunities through the arts, athletics, and activities.
Follow The A+ Team for Blue Valley Schools on Facebook and TheAteam4bv on Instagram. Consider volunteering your time and/or donating to the candidates. Make sure your neighbors and fellow school parents are informed. Make sure YOU are registered to vote (
Even though Early Voting doesn't begin until Oct. 28, NOW is the time to stand up for our kids and their Blue Valley Schools. We need to stop the circus before it starts.
