Email your legislators NOW: Vote NO on the veto override to repeal 3-day ballot grace period. Find your legislators and their email addresses here:
Mon., March 24, Gov. Kelly VETOED a bill that would END the 3-day grace period for properly completed ballots postmarked on or before Election Day to be received by the Election Office. The KsLeg will attempt to override her veto - and your legislators need to hear from you.
If this bill becomes law, it will disenfranchise the votes of military members, college students, frequent travelers, homebound voters, and rural Kansans. Restricting voting rights is bad for all voters. Read more here:
This bill was championed by election-deniers, who pretend that Kansans can’t understand that the vote count isn’t final until all legal votes are counted. Rather than clarify the process to the few who may not understand, they have chosen to restrict all voters’ rights.
The Chair of the KS House Elections Committee has stated he wants to ban voting except on Election Day. “If it was up to me, Election Day would be Election Day,” (Leavenworth Rep. Pat) Proctor added. “There wouldn’t be early voting. Mail-in ballots would only be for military or severely disabled. But I got to bring 84 people with me, so I’m trying to chip away at it.” Read here:
ESPECIALLY if your KS legislators are Kellie Warren, TJ Rose, Chris Croft, Carl Turner, or Sean Tarwater - who voted for the bill to restrict voting rights when it passed the KsLeg - email NOW to voice your opposition.
See KsLeg vote counts on the bill: