Americans For Prosperity (AFP), a dark-money, anti-tax, voucher-supporting organization NOT based in Kansas, has sent mailers supporting TJ Rose. As we’ve said for years, if AFP is supporting a candidate, that candidate is NOT good for Blue Valley Schools (sources below).
Senate District 35 voters have sent us a streaming ad and mailers for candidate TJ Rose, paid for by Liberty First Project, Inc. - the newcomer voucher-supporting group we’ve been reporting on recently. Liberty First’s website says they promote “Educational Freedom & School Choice” - in other words, vouchers.
Senate 35 voters have a MUCH better option. We’ve endorsed Jason Anderson, an executive and Blue Valley dad, who is a longtime public education advocate. He attended public schools, he moved here for the schools, and he sends his own kids to public schools. We are confident he will represent the values of Senate 35 voters, and he’s made it clear he does NOT support voucher schemes. Learn about Jason Anderson here:
TJ Rose DOES support vouchers. He said so in the Sept. 25 Johnson County Post forum where he and Jason Anderson answered questions about their views on a range of topics. Here’s a link to watch the forum; timestamps help you navigate to the voucher discussion, but Senate 35 voters will want to watch the whole forum:
Out-of-towners Liberty First Project, Inc. and Americans For Prosperity can say ANYthing in their ads. They don’t back up their claims with sources! No one knows who funds these pro-voucher groups with deep pockets, because they’re organized in such a way that their financial backers are not disclosed.
TJ Rose WILL vote for vouchers if elected, which is a vote against our kids and their neighborhood Blue Valley Schools. Read more about vouchers:
Early In-Person Voting is now underway! Please share this post on social media and talk to your Senate 35 friends and neighbors about Jason Anderson. Our SUBV parent volunteers cannot possibly compete with the deep pockets of groups like the Liberty First Project and Americans For (Their Own) Prosperity without your help.
Read more about Americans for Prosperity:
Read more about Liberty First Project, Inc.:
See our endorsements and get information on voting days/times/locations here:
See map of District 35 here:
