We’re wrapping up our series on high school profiles today; be sure and check out the previous 4 on our Facebook page or blog: https://www.standupbluevalley.org/blog. We’ve asked members to share these high school profiles, especially with friends and neighbors who may not have students in, or graduates of, Blue Valley high schools. Those folks may be more susceptible to misinformation about how well Blue Valley students are doing. We’re here to tell you: In spite of the national decline due to COVID, in spite of over a decade of underfunded schools, Blue Valley students are exceeding state and national averages on college readiness standards.
Enrolls over 1000 students in grades 9-12
BVSW *average* ACT score in 2021 was 23.0 (out of 36 possible) - this includes *every* BVSW student and is well above the Kansas average score of 19.9, and the national average of 19.8
3% take the SAT and the BVSW student average score of 1296 (out of 1600) is above the Kansas average of 1238 and the national average of 1050 in 2022
BVSW students took a total of 460 AP tests, and 307 tests were scored 3 or higher.
(Read the list of AP, Honors, and Concurrent Enrollment courses on the profile. AP, or Advanced Placement classes, confer college credit based on the AP test score. A score of 3 (out of 5) is generally considered “passing”. More information about AP scores can be found here: https://apstudents.collegeboard.org/about-ap-scores)
Blue Valley high school graduates go on to public universities, competitive colleges, community colleges, trade schools and join the military. And they are WELL prepared for their next steps, thanks to the coursework offered and the teaching staff in our five high schools.
