Advance in-person voting starts in one week - Saturday Oct. 19! Convenient locations include BV Hilltop Campus.
Check this link to make SURE you are registered to vote; have your family and friends check, too:
(Name entered must be exactly the same as the one on file with the election office.)
Tuesday Oct. 15 is the FINAL day to REGISTER to vote in Kansas for the Nov. 5 general election!
If you’re not registered to vote, you can use the link above to do so.
You can also use the link above to view your sample ballot.
Use this link to request a mail ballot: To return your ballot by mail, you’ll need a first class postage stamp. OR, you can take your signed, sealed ballot to one of the many secure drop-box locations across Johnson County.
Make a plan NOW to vote in advance by mail or in person. Info here:
Be sure you’ve shared our endorsements for Blue Valley’s pro-public education candidates with your friends and family!